Gas leakage detectors

Gas leakage detectors
  • General characteristics

    For the detection of CFC, HFC and CO2 refrigerant gases, CAREL proposes a new range of sensors designed to satisfy all requirements in the fields of industrial refrigeration and airconditioning (supermarkets, shopping centers, other public places) on units that require continuous control and monitoring, notifying system status in order to limit the problems caused by gas leaks. 


    Selection Tool. CPQ is CAREL's tool for selecting sensors (and more), available at Complete list of codes, detailed information and links to documentation are just some of the main features of the sensors selection module in the CPQ platform. More information


  • Plus

    • avoids system downtime or significant economic damage due to poor food storage, mean cost savings;
    • contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as established by the Kyoto protocol;
    • ensures surveillance over the safety of people occupying the environment where the refrigeration units are operating.