
pGD touch th tune pGD1 pCO5plus humisonic compact e-drofan acqua e-droset sensors pressure transducers NTC e2v smart inverter DC powerplus pGD touch th tune pGD1 pCO5plus humisonic compact e-drofan acqua e-droset sensors pressure transducers NTC e2v smart inverter DC powerplus
Residential Residential Residential
  • General characteristics

    With its residential air-conditioning solutions, CAREL represents a reliable and innovative technological partner for manufacturers of heat pumps and all operators (manufacturers, installers, system integrators) who want to offer an integrated controller for indoor comfort in the home and domestic hot water production systems, focusing on energy efficiency, respect for the environment and optimisation of resources, as well as easy operation and complete user satisfaction. 

    To achieve these results, CAREL pays special care to technological innovation, usability and access to information.


    Technological innovation

    pCO sistema+ allows management of variable speed compressors with DC inverters that, when combined with electronic expansion valves, ensure the most extensive modulation of heating and cooling capacity currently available, maximising residential air-conditioning system efficiency in response to different comfort requirements and different climatic conditions throughout the year. Continuous evolution of the pCO series programmable controllers, the heart of the system, guarantees performance is always in line with new needs. 



    The pGD touch series touch screen graphic displays make interaction between users and systems simple and appealing, even on complex systems with sophisticated operating logic. 


    Access to information

    Real time monitoring of operating conditions on installed units, recording of data in abnormal situations, maintenance management, setting desired temperature in the home from a smart phone; these are just some of the many opportunities provided to designers and users of home systems, through the possibility to access CAREL systems at any time and from anywhere.

  • Plus

    Continuous technological innovation and information management mean the units and systems developed are increasingly efficient, optimising performance, reducing running costs, improving reliability and guaranteeing clear and simple (and therefore effective) interaction with users.


  • Manuals
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    Code +030220741
    Description Smart HP - Application for the management of ground source heat pumps (Code FLSTDmHPGE)
    Language ENG 
    Date 12/11/2013
    Release 2.2
    Code +030220742
    Description Smart HP - Application pour la gestion de pompes à chaleur géothermiques (Code FLSTDmHPGE)
    Language FRE 
    Date 12/11/2013
    Release 2.2
  • Brochure
    Code Description Language Date * Release
    +3000239EN Residential heat pumps - High-efficiency solution for propane units ENG  24/09/2024 1.2