Cultivation of mushrooms

General characteristics
Temperature and humidity are essential both for the cultivation of mushrooms and for the subsequent phases of storage and marketing.
During the growth of the mushrooms, phase in which it is not advisable to water, it is essential to maintain a high level of humidity.
The harvest requires lower temperatures, but a high level of humidity to prevent the loss of weight.
Fresh mushrooms, in fact, contain about 90% water. Since there is no barrier between the surface of the mushrooms and the air, they tend to release or absorb water to be in balance with the environmental conditions.
Therefore, if the air is too dry, they lose part of their water; this of course causes a loss of weight, and also the deterioration of the appearance of the product.
To avoid this phenomenon and to preserve the characteristics of the mushrooms, it is appropriate to provide systems that maintain the relative humidity of the air at a lever around 95%.
Carel, thanks to 4o years of experience in this industry, offers a wide range of humidifiers, of different capacities and operating characteristics. Both steam humidifiers, accurate and reliable, and adiabatic systems are available; the latter are based on technologies with a very low energy consumption and allow you to humidify and cool the air at the same time.
In fact, adiabatic systems operate by atomizing water into millions of tiny droplets that evaporate spontaneously absorbing heat from the air, with consequently cools down. Also, the most advanced use just 4 W of power per litre of water atomized, approximately 1% of the power used by a common steam humidifier -
Maintaining humidity within certain levels during all the phases of production of mushrooms allows you to:
• Prevent loss of water from the product, and therefore the reduction of its weight;
• Preserve the characteristics of the product;
• Minimize energy consumption with adiabatic systems
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Code Description Language Date * Release +3000193EN Direct humidification: Advanced solutions for industrial and commercial environments ENG 15/11/2019 1.1